Sea Turtle Farm Habaraduwa Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Habaraduwa Sea Turtle Farm – 10 Unawatuna minutes by scooter or taxi.

Sea-Turtle-Farm26Around the island there are some turtle farms. We are the Sea Turtle Farm & Visit Hatchery Habaraduwa. Far there have not, because we spend our holidays in Unawatuna, with the scooter, it just sine 20 Minutes to Habaraduwa. The entrance to the farm is located just off the main road and is not to be overlooked. The entrance fee is Rs. 400,– pro Person (Stand 2013). Has opened the farm of 8:00 to 18:30. If you have questions you get from the friendly staff also explained everything well. In concrete pools, many small turtles frolicking, the waiting to be discharged into the sea. In other permanent residents swimming pool and care cases, these basins are in my opinion a bit too small for the large animals. One would like to save the turtles and ensure their survival and to the turtle farms since.

Of the seven species of marine turtles that exist worldwide five species live in the waters around Sri Lanka. If you have a bit of luck you can see the animals even swim near the beach. One of the five species is called the green turtle soup or Meeresschildköte. This species was hunted a long time for their meat and the eggs were very popular, sent 1988 provided by the Washington Convention on International Protection. As before collecting the eggs is for some people a very lucrative side income, they hurt so the type, probably because they do not think. Sea turtles are threatened with extinction, and to avoid the, buy turtle eggs on the farm, the staff they buried in the warm sand, here they are safe and well cared for the boys to slip after the breeding season. In the wild, the animals have it hard, hundreds of turtles hatch, but few reach adulthood. Other indications for follow-, reach of only two thousand animals reach sexual maturity to then reproduce and thus to ensure the preservation of its kind.

Fotos Sea Turtle Farm Habaraduwa Sri Lanka

The Importance of Sea Turtle Farm

The Sea Turtle Farm in Habaraduwa has become a center for rescue, The care and protection of endangered sea turtles has been developed. Committed conservationists and volunteers are working on this here, to ensure the survival of these impressive reptiles, whose habitat is increasingly threatened.

Turtle biodiversity

The farm is home to various species of sea turtles, including the green sea turtle, the loggerhead sea turtle and the olive ridley sea turtle. Each of these species faces its own challenges and threats, and the farm is dedicated to protecting all of them.

Exploration and education

The Sea Turtle Farm in Habaraduwa also plays an important role in researching the behavior and lifestyle of sea turtles. Researchers are conducting studies here, to learn more about these fascinating creatures and develop the best strategies for protecting them.

Another important aspect of the farm's work is education. Visitors have the opportunity, Take tours and learn more about the threats to sea turtles and efforts to protect them. This contributes to this, to raise awareness for the conservation of the oceans and their inhabitants.

Rescue and rehabilitation

The main mission of the Sea Turtle Farm is this, injured, to take in sick or weakened sea turtles and provide them with the necessary care and rehabilitation. This can treat injuries, Diseases or removing plastic waste from the animals' digestive tract.

Release into the wild

Once the sea turtles are healthy again and their chances of survival in the wild are good, they will be released. This is a moving moment, the visitor can experience. It's an opportunity, to appreciate and see the efforts of the farm, how these majestic animals return to their natural habitat.

Die Sea Turtle Farm in Habaraduwa, Sri Lanka, is an inspiring example of commitment and passion, that are necessary, to protect and conserve endangered species. Visitors have the opportunity here, not just to discover the fascinating world of sea turtles, but also to contribute to the conservation of these amazing animals. This place reminds us of that, how important it is, to protect and respect nature and its inhabitants.

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