Health in Sri Lanka
Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter Unawatuna

In Unwatuna are some recent cases of infections occurred, Cause lies among other things "multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter“. Alone in the first half 2013 were already 3 Cases officially known in Unawatuna. Who wants to see looks like this disease need only "Google Image Search" multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter enter. The bacteria live in the soil, they occur more in tsunami areas to 20 Years after the tsunami. Unawatuna is loaded. The bacteria from the soil nest in small injuries such as scratches or mosquito bites a. Within 1-2 Days to form small holes in the skin with dark almost black border. You have to immediately go to a hospital and treated with high amounts of antibiotics. Speaks not have to be amputated at the affected body part, the antibiotics, this is done mostly with locals.
The consequences of the disease
The infection may further lead to kidney failure and pneumonia. Who stays with the disease in Sri Lanka has only a survival of Change 10% because the medical care in Sri Lanka's public hospitals is bad and want to leave the sanitary conditions left much. Also in Europe is the high death rate among the elderly. It is recommended that each, even the smallest injury to be treated carefully. Very important, especially on the feet. These are on the ground where the bacteria are. In almost all cases, the feet are primarily infected.
Unawatuna ist ebenso wie der Rest von Sri Lanka nicht Malariafrei! Nur das Hochland von Kandy ist Malariafrei.
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