Park in Galle

Im Südwesten von Sri Lanka liegt die Stadt Galle. Galle hat einige Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten, die wohl bekannteste davon ist Fort Galle, diese solle man auf keinen Fall verpassen. Furthermore, there is also a small park located not far away from the Galle Fort. Der Park liegt genau gegenüber von der Railwaystation und vom Busbahnhof. Der Eingang ist leicht zu finden, wenn man vorm Park steht, ganz links. Is the price of admission 10 LKR per person. Auch die Einheimischen müssen diese 10 LKR bezahlen. Maybe the prices are slightly higher in the high season from November to April. We were there in September and there was the price 10 LKR per person.
Main sewer of bile?

Highlights in this park one must not expect. When you enter the park and then go left, so it is better to hold your breath, it smells dreadfully. Here a narrow river flows directly into the sea, whether it is a river or the main sewer of bile, we do not know, but the smell and the color of it, it could be. So either run fast or at best equal to not go along on the left side. Maybe you should look at the sewer but rubbish so that one knows the dark side. Where the river then flows into a small bay between the Galle Fort and Galle park in the sea, swims a large plastic garbage mountain, the whole shore is littered, then there is a clear, what we do to all the marine life. If you look from the Galle fort in the bay, so you do not see the garbage mountain.
Horses in Galle Park
Three horses standing around in the park, which are very friendly and also look well-groomed. Who rejoice, if you fondles them upside. Who has inserted an apple, of course, has found a new best friend. Apples you get in the market opposite the bus station an apple costs 50 LKR, so who wants to be popular with the horses, which can indeed take.
Aquariums in Galle Park

At the end of the park there are a few aquariums, are empty and most of the, where still around bob up and down a few fish, which are so dirty, that one can hardly see the fish, sad sad, either someone should take care of it, or leave on the same, always these things by half at the expense of the animals.
Tourist information

In the park there is also a tourist information, but which had closed for the day. On the whole, the park is very clean, the paths are swept properly and there is also no garbage on the lawns, well lets say more brown surface. The lawn is not irrigated, so he looks a little burnt. Shadow there is also sufficient for the many huge trees provide. In some trees is a sign, which reveals the name of the tree.
for children
The park is of course a highlight for the children, There are many toys make a relatively reasonable impression, TÜV approved the budget with no safety, but the local children have their fun and the people here see much not so tight. On weekends, the park is very well attended, so there are not many green areas in Galle, especially not with a playground. In the middle of the park there is a small shop where one drinks to, can buy snacks and ice cream. Benches and seating is available throughout the park enough.
Park for fresh couples in love
The park is very popular among young loving couples. In Sri Lanka, the exchange of harmless affection such as a hug or a kiss in public is frowned upon. Here in the park many couples holding hands sitting on the benches under umbrellas usually something no one will notice that yes. Cute display, It is normal for us Europeans, happens here hiding under an umbrella. Other countries, other customs. The park is not large, in 20 Minutes, everything has gone off, if you have nothing better to do just, you can pay a visit to the park. Who has not seen the park in Galle, but has also missed nothing.
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