Lucky Tuna Unawatuna

The beach of Unawatuna is public, which means you can lay his beach towel anywhere in the sand and enjoy a nice bath day, or you can "rent" a in one of the restaurants. Unser bevorzugter Badeplatz ist beim Lucky Tuna, das liegt ziemlich in der Mitte der Bucht. Das Lucky Tuna Unawatuna vermietet vier Apartments und hat außerdem ein sehr gemütliches Strandrestaurant. Wir bekommen da unsere Sonnenliegen, die Sonnenschirme haben wir selber dabei, die sind nämlich Mangelware. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass man im Lucky Tuna konsumiert. Das wird bei allen anderen Strandrestaurants gleich gehandhabt. Das Meer ist hier vorm Lucky Tuna besonders schön und es gibt kaum Steine, the one way to make the water. The waiters are friendly and happy, if you talk a bit with them. We are always here and everything fits very well, the food is really excellent and the prices reasonable for. Lucky Tuna has become our favorite pub.
Rooms at Lucky Tuna
The rooms at the Lucky Tuna are really great as you can see in the photos below from the Lucky Tuna. Priced they are not special but this one has first row leg room beach! Of course, one must also be clear, it's loud in these rooms. Firstly, you are right about the restaurant and the other hears 24 Hours a day the waves.
Beach is unfortunately not always available! In the months of July, August-September had the Lucky Tuna 2013 no beach. Depending on the weather and the season is unfortunately in Unawatuna.
So ist es, if in summer the state is not there.

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